New mission presidents - Church News

July 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Eight new mission presidents have been called by the First Presidency. The mission presidents and their wives will begin their service about July 1. Their assignments will be announced later. Here are their names and biographical information:

Vera and Gordon D. Brown

Gordon Daniels Brown, 60, Edgemont 8th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont South Stake; high councilor; former ward Young Men president, stake president, bishop and counselor, and missionary preparation teacher; interventional radiologist; received medical degree from University of Utah; born in Ogden, Utah, to Harold Daniels and Oretta Hannah Chugg Brown; married Vera Patricia Howes; four children. She is a visiting teacher; former Laurel adviser, counselor in stake Young Women presidency, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, and teacher in Primary, Young Women and Relief Society; attended Weber State University; born in Ogden, Utah, to Kenneth Victor and Vera Hannah Ross Howes.

Spencer K. and Sheila Christensen

Spencer Kohler Christensen, 37, Pleasant View 9th Ward, Provo Utah Sharon East Stake; stake Young Men president; former ward clerk, Scoutmaster, high councilor, bishop and counselor, elders quorum president, and missionary in Ecuador Guayquil Mission; director of physical facilities and special events at Missionary Training Center; received Master of Public Administration degree at BYU; born in Salt Lake City to Joe J. and Ida Barbara Kohler Christensen; married Sheila Kerr; two children. She is a Primary pianist; former Relief Society homemaking leader, Primary Achievement Day leader, counselor in Primary and Young Women presidencies, Cub Scout den leader and secretary in stake Relief Society presidency; born in Logan, Utah, to Wm. Rolf and Janeil Raybould Kerr.

Marjorie and Jack L. Clark

Jack L. Clark, 61, Sage Lakes Ward, Idaho Falls Idaho North Stake; high councilor; former high councilor, counselor in bishopric and stake presidency, ward mission leader, bishop and elders quorum president; management consultant; received bachelor's degree from Idaho State University and master of business arts degree from Northeastern University; born in Pocatello, Idaho, to Jack and Lois Price Clark; married Marjorie Faye Anderson; five children. She is a Relief Society education counselor, former Relief Society president, seminary teacher, ward Young Women president, teacher development instructor, and counselor in stake Primary presidency; elementary school teacher; received bachelor's degree from Idaho State University; born in in Ketchum, Idaho, to Carl Virgil and Frances Matilda Clifford Anderson.

Suzanne and David M. Kempton

David Martin Kempton, 61, Galveston 2nd Ward, Chandler Arizona West Stake; mission president's counselor; former stake Young Men president, stake president and counselor, high councilor, bishop and missionary in the East Central States Mission; farmer; received bachelor's degree in agriculture from Arizona State University; born in Solomonville, Ariz., to Glenn Martin and Katherine Martin Kempton; married Suzanne Allen; 12 children. She is a Relief Society homemaking leader, former Relief Society teacher and homemaking counselor, Primary president and teacher, member of ward Young Women presidency, and Laurel adviser; attended Arizona State University and Phoenix College; born in Phoenix, Ariz., to Frihoff Nielson and Cora Owens Allen.

Maria and Michael F. Moody

Michael Finlinson Moody, 58, Woods Cross 3rd Ward, Woods Cross Utah Stake; ward Young Men president; former stake president, bishop and counselor, high councilor, ward choir director and music chairman, and missionary in French East Mission; chairman of Church's General Music Committee and manager in Church Music Division; received doctorate in church music at University of Southern California; born in Payson, Utah, to Milo Cresfield and Virginia Finlinson Moody; married Maria Ann Toronto; seven children. She is an institute of religion instructor; former ward and stake family history consultant, ward organist, Relief Society and Sunday School teacher, counselor in stake Relief Society presidency, ward music chairman and music director, and Relief Society pianist; born in Richfield, Utah, to Joseph Young and Ila Christensen Toronto.

Tanya and Lee H. Radebaugh

Lee Howard Radebaugh, 56, Canyon View 5th Ward, Orem Utah Canyon View Stake; counselor in bishopric; former ward Young Men president, Sunday School gospel doctrine teacher, bishop and counselor, branch president, and missionary in the Brazilian South Mission; director of the School of Accountancy and Information at BYU; received doctorate in business administration at Indiana University; born in Halls, Tenn., to Gustav Howard and Cleora Lewis Radebaugh; married Tanya Hale; six children. She is a ward camp director and stake birth parent outreach specialist; former Laurel adviser, stake Young Women president, Relief Society teacher, Primary teacher, Stake Relief Society president and ward Young Women president; office sales representative at Sundance Ski Resort; received bachelor's degree in Spanish and drama at BYU; born in Los Angeles, Calif.; to James Nathan and Ruth Emma Hudson Hale.

Fred A. and Sherrel Rowe

Fred A. Rowe, 63, Salem 5th Ward, Salem Utah Stake; counselor in stake presidency; former high councilor, branch president, counselor in stake presidency, bishop, chairman of writing committee for Church's Sunday School lessons, missionary in California Mission; consultant at Utah Valley State College, received doctorate in curriculum development at Arizona State University; born in Spanish Fork, Utah, to Francis E. and Elaine F. Miller Rowe; married Sherrel Gay Butler; six children. She is a stake family history consultant; former stake Relief Society president, Young Women adviser, Primary teacher, stake and ward Young Women camp director, counselor in stake Young Women and Relief Society presidencies, and missionary in California Mission; received bachelor's degree in elementary education at BYU; born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to Allen L. and Ellen F. Ryset Butler.

January and Blaine K. Stratton

Blaine K. Stratton, 54, Colleyville Ward, Colleyville Texas Stake; counselor in stake presidency; former counselor in stake presidency, ward Young Men president, bishop and counselor, counselor in mission presidency, and missionary in Andes Mission; managing partner with Pacific Solutions L.C.; received bachelor's degree in business finance at Arizona State University; born in Snowflake, Ariz., to Lorum Ellis and Annette Hakes Stratton; married January Michelle Smith; six children. She is ward Relief Society president; former ward Young Women president, family record extraction program director, Sunday School gospel doctrine teacher, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society homemaking counselor, and teacher in Relief Society, Sunday School and Primary; attended BYU; born to Van Marsden and Margaret Alice Eccles Smith.
