What Are Spirit Guides and How To Communicate With Them

July 2024 · 12 minute read

All of our lives, we wander and wonder if we are alone. I am here to tell you that you are never alone. You always have someone watching over you. But who, exactly?

Your spirit guides are watching over you each and every single day.

Perhaps you have heard of spirit guides before in your life. But what exactly is a spirit guide, how may they appear to you in your life, and what can you do to best listen to them and heed their advice?

Let’s learn about how these spirits touch our lives, each and every day!

What Are the Different Types of Spirit Guides?

It may surprise you, but there are many different types of spirit guides. They vary wildly as well, from humans to animals to beings we can’t even fathom yet.

Knowing you have a spirit guide is wonderful, but knowing the different types can better assist you when it comes time to seek their help, guidance, or advice.

Let’s go over the different types of spirit guides now, and know that you may have all of these different types watching over you!

Spirit Animals

Have you ever had a pet that you loved so very much? I hope so! But did you know that after these pets pass on to their next life, they can return to us as spirit guides?

Our spirit animals are usually animals we have known in our lives, and they can appear to us when we seek comfort or guidance. Some people report that their spirit animal speaks to them; others say that they behave exactly as they did when they were alive.

No matter what, if you feel your lost pet’s presence near you, you may not be alone. Your dear animal companion may be there to help you in times of need!

Our Loved Ones

If our passed-on pets can live alongside us again as spirits, who’s to say our loved ones can’t too? I’m here to tell you that our departed relatives and friends can indeed guide us in our lives, and this is a very common form of spirit guide.

Perhaps you have felt the presence of your grandmother or father. It could be in the form of supernatural activity, or simply just a feeling. You shouldn’t deny your senses or perception- your loved one could very well be in the room with you!

Our loved ones always want the best for us, but sometimes they pass on before they have guided us to our full potential. If you had a guiding force taken from you, it isn’t too late for them to offer you their help from the afterlife.


No matter your religion, there are many different types of archangels watching over us. They may have different names, depending on your spiritual beliefs, but our archangels watch over us and want the best for us, each and every single day.

These archangels may be familiar to you. You may recognize their names, such as Raphael or Michael. These angels usually preside over a specific theme or emotion, or even a day of the week or color.

No matter what, these angels are there for us, so long as we name them and seek their advice.

Other Angels

Speaking of angels, we each have our very own guardian angels or spirits taking care of us. While Archangels usually have to do with specific topics and themes, other angels are there to help guide you as an individual.

These angels are assigned to individual people rather than common human troubles. They are attentive, and their signs are easier for us to interpret than the signs of the archangels or our departed loved ones.

No matter your religious beliefs, there are spirits watching out for you. They are there to guide you through your life’s experience, even if you aren’t aware of them!

Our Gods and Masters

If you believe in God or Jesus or Buddha or Allah, you no doubt know and believe that they are watching over you. Religious or otherwise, there are higher masters and spiritual beings watching over us at all times.

Each religion has a different name for these beings, and even Wiccan practices have noble and respected spirits that take an interest in our lives. You are not alone, especially with such a powerful and all-knowing being watching over you.

How Do Spirit Guides Communicate With Us?

Now that you are aware of the many different types of spirit guides watching over you, it is time to learn how they might be communicating with you. It may come as a surprise, especially if you have yet to notice their many signs and offerings.

Once you learn some of these common signs and sensations, you will be more primed to heed their presence in the future. Let’s dive in!

Flashes of Light or Color

Depending on the presence that has decided to make itself known to you, you may experience a flash of light or colored light in your home or field of vision. Many different angels are associated with different colors, and all holy beings are associated with light!

These signs may come in the form of lights flickering on and off in your home, car, or place of work. You may notice street lamps that turn off and on when you walk beneath them, or certain colored lights may change upon your approach.

This isn’t always just a coincidence- it could be a sign that your angels, guardians, and spirit guides are reaching out to you. They can only get your attention in so many ways, and light or color seems to be an easy way for them to do so!

Warmth or Sensations

Many people I know experience moments with their spirit guides in the form of warmth, touch, or other sensations. My mother often feels a cat rub her ankles when she is feeling down- I believe this is her sweet old cat that passed away but remains her companion, even in the afterlife!

Our guardian angels are often associated with warmth and pleasant feelings in the chest. Our departed loved ones may bring us goosebumps, or perhaps we may feel a familiar hand on our shoulder.

No matter the physical sensation, if you notice a feeling that seems as if it has arrived out of nowhere, it could be a sign that one of your spirit guides is trying to reach you. Take a moment, and really feel what you are feeling- you may be able to determine who it is!

Angel Numbers

One of the most telltale signs that we are being watched over is the concept of angel numbers. Rooted in numerology, seeing an angel number often seems like nothing, like a coincidence- at first.

However, if you are seeing the same number over and over or the same pattern of multiple numbers often, in ways you can’t explain, this could be a sign that your angels are reaching out to you!

Take your time and notice certain number patterns more often. If you wake up at the same time nightly, take note of what time it is. If you see these numbers repeated on license plates or billboards or receipts, you may be receiving a message from your angels!

Gentle Voices

Sometimes a voice is all we need to feel comforted and like we aren’t alone. While it can be rare, sometimes our spirit guides can speak to us, often using gentle and soft voices.

This can come in a mental form (not spoken aloud) or a physical whisper. This could be a common enough way for our departed loved ones to reach out to us, especially if you share a specific word, song, or phrase with this person.

Our angels may also speak to us this way, or perhaps you hear a familiar bark from a spirit animal long past. No matter the sound, hearing something that makes you pause and wonder could very well be a sign from your spiritual guardians!

Shared Experiences

Just like my mother can feel her cat rub against her ankles, you too may experience moments that are far too familiar to just be a coincidence. There are many shared experiences that can manifest if we are being watched over by a departed spirit.

For example, you might notice objects move in your home- are these objects associated with a departed loved one or pet? Perhaps you hear a song on the radio often that reminds you of someone.

These could be signs from our spirit guides rather than coincidence. They know you would recognize this specific experience, and they are hoping you will pick up on that fact!

It is difficult for our spirit guides to communicate with us, which is why it is important to pay close attention to minor coincidences. But that’s not all we can do to get in touch with our spirit guides!

How Can We Communicate With Spirit Guides?

Since it would seem that our spirit guides are often watching out for us, you may be wondering how you can best communicate with them and heed their messages.

This can be easier said than done and may take some practice. If you are new to communicating psychically or using your intuition, take some time to ponder your inner thoughts.

Concentrate on your inner voice, as well as whatever sign you think may have come from your spirit guide. Here are some other helpful tips for recognizing when and how to communicate with your loved ones.


Meditation is one of the easiest ways to communicate with our spirit guides. It is a time of absolute silence and involves the ability to focus on nothing rather than the constant stream of thoughts happening in our heads.

If we are able to be still, present, and quiet, this could pave the way for an honest and true conversation with our spirit guides. You may be more aware of messages or signs while meditating, and it will bring you closer spiritually to the other side.

There are many different helpful apps and guided meditation scripts for you to follow if you are just getting started on your meditation journey. I always choose to meditate after a yoga session, as I find my body is relaxed and my mind is quiet.

Watch For Signs

It will take some time, but learning how to watch for signs from your spirit guides is a great way of communicating with them. If you notice the signs they are trying to send you, it will please them, as they know you are listening!

Pay attention to moments that feel like a coincidence. Look out for patterns that don’t quite fit your daily life, such as repeated numbers, colors, flickering lights, and more. It may be a special sign that only you and your spirit guide share, so keep this in mind!

If you notice voices or items moving in your home, this is a particularly powerful sign and should be noted. Your spirit guides may have something extremely urgent to tell you and they will not be ignored!

While your intuition will continue to sharpen, be patient with yourself when you are first starting out. Use all of your senses, including your sense of smell, as these can be very useful tools for your spirit guides to reach you with.

Listen Closely

Listening for words from your guardians may be harder than you expect, but it is a common enough form of communication for them. Hearing whispers or songs or certain tones may be a sign that your angels or guardians are trying to reach you.

These sounds often come when your mind is quiet- it can be in dreams or while you are meditating, or it can be in a familiar form, such as a song on the radio or an instrument that reminds you of a departed loved one.

No matter the form, learning how to listen for your spirit guides and developing your clairaudient skills, can prove helpful in the long run. It can sharpen your senses, your intuition, and your relationship with them. Trust what you are hearing, and believe that your spirit guides have something to tell you!

Pray and Ask

No matter your religious or spiritual beliefs, there is no harm in asking for help. If you are experiencing a tough time, or even if you wish to know more about who is watching over you, take the time to pray or ask your questions out loud.

This can feel a little silly at first, but be kind to yourself. Ask the universe your questions, including what your guardians may be trying to tell you. Take a pause and listen- you may receive an answer right away, or you may have to wait for some time.

Sometimes you will get an answer when and how you least expect it. There are many forms of assistance that your spirit guides can offer you, but the most important thing that you can do is ask for their help.

Be Patient

Just like it will take some time to get answers to your prayers, you will need to be patient when you are first testing your intuition and line of communication with your spirit guides.

Frustration is only natural, especially if you are in need of an answer right away. Your angels and guardians know that things can be hard- but they will never put you through something that you can’t handle.

Trust that they only have your best interest at heart, and continue your life’s journey. You will receive an answer or a sign of comfort when the time is right- and often when you need it the most!

Do You Have a Spirit Guide in Your Life?

Your spirit guides are there for you, no matter what, and even when you don’t think they are there. Times may get tough, but know that you are not alone. Consider reaching out to your guardians, especially during hard times.
