Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

July 2024 · 12 minute read

The Five of Wands is the ‘Hunger Games‘ of Tarot. If this Minor Arcana card appears in your reading, prepare for some stiff competition.

Disagreements and discord reign when this card is in the mix. However, the outcome doesn’t have to be all bad.

If you’re willing to hold your position while working through the challenges presented by the drama, you’ll come out on top.

The question is, do you have what it takes to ride the wave to the finish line?

Table of Contents


Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed Five of Wands card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Wands card.

UprightCompetition, disagreements, injuries during aggressive or contact sports, rivalry, challenges
ReversedCompromise, teamwork, harmony, solutions
Yes or NoNo
Astrological SignLeo


To fully understand the Five of Wands tarot card meaning, we will first take a look at the illustration, colors, and symbolism of this Wands card.

The image on the face of the Five of Wands is one of the most straightforward in the Tarot. Although there is always room for interpretation, the five men depicted on the card are obviously in conflict.

Their raised wands are not being used as weapons but are stopping them from moving forward as they clash with one another.

Their aggression is bringing trouble, but no one seems willing to compromise. Is this a good thing? After all, only a battle brings forth a victor.

Look to the other cards in your reading to decide if this is a case of healthy competition or something that will bring about a setback.

Five of Wands Tarot Meaning

The Suit of Wands is representative of the fire signs in Astrology, so it is no surprise that the Five of Wands symbolizes passionate struggles and firey conflicts.

When this card appears upright in a reading, it calls attention to disharmony in your life. You may be engaged in mental or physical warfare with those around you.

This condition brings up feelings of contempt and anger in all those involved in the fighting. Although there is always a way to resolve the issue, no one is interested in doing so.

If this resonates with you, you must dig deep within to find a way to bring peace once again to your inner circle. 

It is important to remember that constant arguing doesn’t solve problems, but rather it only adds anxiety and discord to your life and to the lives of the people you care about.

If you hope to gain freedom from the chaos in your life, you are the one that needs to extend an olive branch.

Now is the time to swallow your pride and use your communication skills to find the root cause of your fighting and to overcome it once and for all. 

Money and Career Meaning

The Five of Wands in a career context is notorious for representing workplace strife. Are you at odds with co-workers or your boss?

Are there lots of different opinions on the direction you should take moving forward? Now is a chance to show your skills.

What do you bring to the table? Don’t be afraid to present your ideas with confidence. Even if everyone doesn’t agree, giving your all guarantees success, even if the outcome isn’t 100 percent what you’re wanting. 

In a positive reading, the Five of Wands represents healthy competition and the opportunity to prove yourself. If you want to earn a raise or move up the company ladder, prepare for some financial stress or instability.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you’ll lose the contest. In fact, there is a good possibility that you will come out on top.

You’ll need to focus all of your energy on the task at hand and find ways to set yourself apart from your rivals. May the best man win.

When it comes to finances, the Five of Wands denotes temporary personal financial issues. You can rest easy knowing that these problems won’t last forever.

Focus your energy on coming up with solutions rather than dwelling on the position the finances have placed you in. You will overcome this with time. 

Love and Relationships Meaning 

When it comes to love and romantic relationships, the Five of Wands suggests that there istrouble in paradise.

If you are single, you might be finding it hard to stand out or see yourself in competition with others for the same mate.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way. By tapping into your authentic self and refusing to compete with others, you’ll find the person who is good for you. 

If you’re in a relationship, a lot of times, the trouble is being caused not by you or your partner but those on the outside wanting to interfere.

It can also predict issues with jealousy and insecurity. In some instances, your partner might even become your rival.

If this is the case, find ways to come together and be a team. What brought you together in the first place? These are what you should focus on instead of the negative.

If you are constantly arguing with your partner or seem to be engaged in a battle of wills, you’ll need to make a decision.

Is it time to strengthen your resolve, compromise, or maybe even move on? Only you know the answer.

But one thing is sure: someone will need to bend a little if you hope to receive deliverance from this ailment.

Take a good look in the mirror and determine what you can do to bring the change you want to your partnership. It all starts with you! 

Health and Spirituality Meaning

When the Five of Wands appears in a health spread, the health tarot reading indicates you will be battling or fighting off an illness.

It could also serve as a warning that you need to take time for yourself to relax and decompress.

If you are taking on too many projects at once and it is overwhelming you, take a step back. If you continue to spread yourself too thin, you might have a battle with a health issue like high blood pressure in your future.

Setting aside some time to recharge your batteries can protect against this. 

Are you caught up in negative thoughts and emotions? If so, this could be manifesting physically.

If you are wanting to improve in this area, find ways to reduce stress and embrace gratitude and positivity

This is easier said than done when chaos is present, but by focusing all of the good, you’ll be able to drown out the negative.

Keep in mind that the past cannot be changed, but you can move forward in any direction that you want. You are in total control of your reality. 


In this paragraph, we will talk a bit more about what it means if you’ve pulled the Five of Wands tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

The Five of Wands reversed has a unique message. It is one of the few Tarot cards that holds a more positive meaning when drawn upside down. 

At this point, you may be exhausted, especially if you feel as if the conflicts you are facing at work or home will never end.

The Reversed Five of Wands Tarot description suggests that whatever struggles you have been going through, internal or otherwise, will soon be solved. If you have been in competition with others, a resolution will quickly present itself. 

If the Five of Wands Reversed is drawn in the future position, it predicts conflicts and battles that will quickly come to an end if you will compromise.

What do you want most? If it is peace and harmony, you may have to consider losing the battle to win the war. 

Five of Wands: Yes or No 

If the card appears upright in a Yes or No spread, the answer is usually no

The Five of Wands, when used for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, represents blocks that are out of your control.

This isn’t to say that what you are wanting won’t happen at a later date. But for now, the chaos and conflict that will surround the situation make moving forward in a positive way unlikely.

Five of Wands and Astrology

The Five of Wands is related to the zodiac sign Leo. The main characteristics of this sign are compassion and big-heartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership. Leo is ruled by the Sun and shows our ability to shine and express our true gifts and confidence.

Important Card Combinations

The Five of Wands stands for competition, disagreements, and challenges. However, when combined with other cards, this meaning can slightly change. Below you can find the most important Five of Wands card combinations.

Five of Wands and the Emperor

The Five of Wands combined with the Emperor indicates that someone is challenging authority or those in decision-making positions. Is it you?

Whether you are the rebel or the one facing the opposition,you must decide if you will hold your stance or cooperate. What is at stake here? You should consider each path carefully before you make a choice.

Five of Wands and the Three of Cups

Jealousy is rearing its ugly head. Perhaps you have been feeling envious, or it could be that someone else has been a little green.

The Five of Wands together with the Three of Cups serves as a reminder that although friendly competition is healthy, in excess, it can lead to unnecessary drama and confusion. 

Five of Wands and The High Priestess

Together with the High Priestess, the Five of Wands suggest the conflict is internal, and therefore, personal reflection and growth are in order.

Are there things about yourself or your situation that you are unhappy about? Getting in touch with your authentic self and trusting your own intuition will change your circumstances for the better.

Five of Wands and The Wheel of Fortune

The card combination with the Wheel of Fortune tells you that now is the time to embrace your uniqueness and find ways to stand out from the crowd.

If you’re wanting a promotion, try to start a business, or take any part of your life to the next level, you’ll have to showcase what sets you apart.

This doesn’t mean changing who you are but instead highlighting the positive parts of you that make you (or your business) special.

Five of Wands and The Hanged Man

Are you feeling left out or ‘out of the loop’? When paired with the Five of Wands, the Hanged man suggests isolation that isn’t of your own doing.

The key here is not to let what feels like rejection from others affect your wellbeing. It could be that their distancing isn’t personal.

To see if this is the case, try taking the first step and reaching out. If the rejection is a reality, accept your feelings and try to strengthen other connections that will help you feel whole again.

Five of Wands and Ace of Pentacles

The Five of Wands together with the Ace of Pentacles indicates a job interview is in your future. For those who are unemployed, the end of your struggle is near.

If you hold a position that you are not happy in, now is the time to branch out. Take the leap and go after your dream job – you have a great chance of landing it if you do it now.

Five of Wands and Seven of Cups 

When the Five of Wands and the Seven of Cups appear alongside one another in a spread, it serves as a warning against wasting time. If you have a project that you have been putting off, now is the time to stop procrastinating.

Gather all your energy and focus it on getting things done. The fulfillment and joy that will result will make it well worth it!

Five of Wands Tarot Cards

The description of the Five of Wands in this article is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. This doesn’t mean that I use other decks too. And there are so many stunning decks out there! Therefore, I’ve added some of my favorite Five of Wands cards to this article.


Because there are so many Minor Arcana cards, it can be hard to remember, which means what.

To help you understand more about this card (and others,) I’ve created an FAQ section that will highlight and answer some of the most common questions my readers have posed about individual cards.

Here are the top four questions asked about the Five of Wands.

What does the Five of Wands Mean?

We usually think of a ‘high-five’ as a signal of agreement, but that certainly isn’t the case with the Five of Wands. Clashing personalities, angry egos, battles, and lack of cooperation all abound when this card is present. Although it’s hard to see it in a positive light, like all tarot cards, the Five of Wands brings a meaningful message. Maybe you aren’t aware of the chaos that is at hand? If this is the case, you must pull your head from the sand and face these problems head-on.

What does the Reversed Five of Wands Mean?

It’s not often that a reversed card has a more positive meaning than the upright placement. Still, this is the case with the reversed Five of Wands. In the upright position, it represents fighting. When the card falls upside down, the end of the conflict is near. If you’ve been in a power struggle or fighting battle after battle, the Reversed Five of Wands represents a white flag. Compromise is now possible, and things and a solution can be reached if you’re willing to lower your weapon.

What does the Five of Wands Mean in a Love Reading?

They say that “All is fair in love and war.” I rarely see the Five of Wands fall in happy relationships. On the contrary, this card appears when two people are at each other’s throats. If you’re at war with your spouse, you’ll need to consider your next move very carefully. Is the relationship worth the drama and chaos? Should you stand your ground or look for a compromise? At the end of the day, the choice is your own.

Is the Five of Wands a Yes or No card?

The Five of Wands is a ‘Yes’ card but indicates that whatever you seek won’t be won without a great deal of effort. You must be willing to fight for whatever it is that you’re wanting. There may be a few setbacks, but with all cards in the Suit of Wands, one’s determination can bring positive pay-off in the end.


That’s all for the Five of Wands Tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this card in your tarot spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?
