Help me with this build- Party Buff Wizard

July 2024 · 9 minute read
So, I'm refining my design of a Transmutation Specialist War Weaver.
The objectives of this character are as follows, in order of priority:

1. Make the other party members more awesome. This is for the purpose of efficiency, and making them utterly dependent upon you for awesomeness so they know they are awesome, because you are awesome.

2. Fake humility. Get to the point where you are so efficient that you can walk away in mid battle and do a crossword puzzle, and the rest of the party won't mind. They'll just be grateful for what you do. Keep saying things like "It's nothing, you guys are the real heroes" and "Keep up the great work."

3. Once #1 is addressed and #2 is maintained, do some cool things of your own on occasion.

And so I'm designing the following build, and would love input on how to fulfill the above objectives better. Especially in my spell selection and if there is a more practical Wizard School specialization. This came about when I discovered how incredible the War Weaver PrC is, and what it can do for both Mechanics and RP.

Condensed description of build:
Human, INT 18, all other stats flexible.
1. Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard (Collegiate Wizard, Spell Reprieve [Magic Missile])
2. Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard
3. Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard (Enlarge Spell Metamagic)
Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard (+1 INT)
5. Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard (Fell Drain)
6. War Weaver (FEAT?)
7. War Weaver
8. War Weaver (+1 INT)
9. War Weaver (Arcane Manipulation)
10. War Weaver
11-20 Uncertain, probably Mage of the Arcane Order, open to other suggestions.

Raven Familiar to talk, fly and carry touch spells to help buff party members.

Fell Drain Magic Missiles at level 5. This build needs the Spell Reprieve feat to access Magic Missile since it's in a prohibited school (see details below).

Magical Storing Companion Spirit ritual from DMG II p.196 for the ability to prepare a single first through fifth level spell (depending on how far into the ritual the party has invested xp and the minimum level requirements 4,7,10,13.16) that is accessible for the entire party to cast (even non-spellcasters, the Fighter can cast this spell as well as you) once per day.

DISCLAIMER: the following is long and detailed. Feel free to skip if you can make suggestions based upon the above information.

Now the build is as follows in a painfully detailed level by level breakdown:

Level 1
Transmutation Focused Specialist Wizard (Complete Mage p.34).
Prohibited schools are Necromancy, Evocation and Enchantment.
Used schools are Transmutation, Abjuration, Conjuration, Illusion and Divination. Schools are color coded for quick reference, it's going to be important to keep track of which spell belongs to which school to determine school efficiency.
-Collegiate Wizard (Complete Arcane p.181) because lets face it, while Wizards CAN scribe additional spells into a spellbook, in practice it's a hassle. This grants 7 spells at caster level 1 for free at character level 1.
-Spell Reprieve (Forgotten Realms Lost Empires p.9) this is to gain the Evocation spell Magic Missile. This will make sense at level 5.

Nerveskitter(SC),Protection from Evil,Spontaneous Search(SC),Benign Transposition(SC), Mage Armor, Grease,Magic Missile
Prepare three Transmutation spells, one general spell slot per day for level 1 spells.
Gameplay at this level- Prepare 3 Nerveskittersto toss at the main melee PC or whoever is most useful in combat. Keep the other level 1 slot open to prepare as needed throughout the day, or keep a Grease prepared. Spend downtime scribing scrolls of all the other spells. Spontaneous Search is a great utility spell and expected to be used often.

Level 2
Trans. Wizard
Feather Fall, Eyes of the Avoral(BoED), Comprehend Languages, Lesser Orb of Cold(SC)
Gameplay at this level- Prepare 3 Nerveskitters for the day, one Benign Transposition, one Grease. There should be about 2 copies of all other spells on hand, replenish as needed. Eyes of the Avoral is a great utility spell and expected to be used often.

Level 3
Trans. Wizard
Enlarge Spell Metamagic
Animalistic Power(PHII), Snake's Switness(SC), Glitterdust, Rope Trick
Gameplay at this level-
Nerveskitters, one Benign Transposition, one Grease as before, Animalistic Powerthe melee, 2 Snake's Swiftness when needed in combat. A Glitterdust for enemies. Now the focus is buffs and battlefield control. Rope Trick in a scroll for when you need to hide quick.

Level 4
Trans. Wizard
Invisibility, Darkvision, Speak to Allies(SC), Wall of Gloom(SC)
Gameplay at this level- Extra Grease prepared, Speak to Allies added to level 2 spells, Wall of Gloom replaces one Snake's Swiftness. Darkvision and Invisibility into scrolls for one per party member. Now there's a silent communication network (with no cap to the number of people who can be included in that network at the time of casting!) more battlefield control, some situational utility spells. This would be the level to comfortably spend the 300gp and 300xp to get the Magical Storing Companion Spirit, store the Protection from Evil orMage Armor spell for anyone to use when needed.

Level 5
Trans. Wizard
-Fell Drain (Libris Mortus p.27) Here's where that
Magic Missile comes in handy. Now there is a no miss Negative Level spell. Cackle maniacally.
Regroup(PHII), Displacement, Haste, Fly
Gameplay at this level- Prepare two Haste's and one Fly, Displacement for the main melee. Write one Fell Drain Magic Missilea day, squirreling those away for that really tough opponent that needs softening.

Level 6
War Weaver (Heroes of Battle p.112)
Class Features:
-Eldritch Tapestry. This is the thing that makes War Weaver awesome. Make every target (other than personal), Harmless spell you cast affect every ally woven into your Eldritch Tapestry, which is as many targets as your casting stat mod. Assuming a starting 18 INT, this is your party of 4. This ability is a spell multiplier and a time saver turning all these spells into Mass versions of themselves.
At each level of this PrC you can cast more powerful spells through the Eldritch Tapestry. PrC level 1, cast level 1 spells. PrC level 2, cast up to level 2 spells. This caps at level 5. As you level up, you can do things likeHaste
everyone with a single casting. Those Feather Fall, Darkvision and Invisibility scrolls no longer require one for each member, now one covers the party. Just wait until you get Polymorph! Groovy.

I'm not sure what to do here. I want to eventually take "Arcane Manipulation (Lost Empires of Faerun p.6)" But that won't come into being truly useful until later levels when I can make tons of slots of level 3 Fell Drain Magic Missiles and other utility spells since War Weaver class features only work on spells up to level 5. Any good suggestions for a level 6 feat, besides the always useful and often (understandably) banned Leadership?
none at this level.
Gameplay at this level- Regroup becomes bread and butter at the start of combat to drop a Protection from Evil and Mage Armor on everybody. Nerveskitter is done at range before combat to affect the entire party. Get the other party members buffed quick and then like a coach after a pep talk, pat them on the bottom and sent them out! Hopefully by now you've saved your pennies and have been able to buy a Lesser Metamagic Rod of Reach (MIC p.165) to buff the others without the huddle. If not, maybe next level.

Level 7
War Weaver
Class Features:
-Quiescent Waving 1. Preload a single spell into the Eldritch Tapestry to be released at a future time as a move action. Spells up to level 2 can now be used
across the Eldritch Tapestry.
Greater Mage Armor(SC), Gaseous Form, Lesser Telepathic Bond(SC), Giant's Wrath(SC)
Gameplay at this level- Nerveskittereveryone as the immediate action, Animalistic Power is preloaded into the Eldritch Tapestry released as a move action and use the standard action to drop Snake's Swiftness on the entire party so everyone attacks extra. Not bad for round one. Either Reach Rod a Protection from Evil on everyone in round 2 and Reach Rod a Mage Armor on everyone in round 3, or use higher level spells for individual buffs as needed. Perhaps the party would spend another 700gp and 750 xp to upgrade the Spell Storing Companion Spirit, have it hold a Snake's Swiftness or Invisibilityfor anyone to use when they felt the need.

Level 8
War Weaver
Class Features:
-Quiescent Waving 2. Preload two spells into the Eldritch Tapestry to be released at a future time as a move action. Spells up to level 3 can now be used across the Eldritch Tapestry.

Polymorph, Greater Invisibility, Greater Resistance(SC), Orb of Force(SC)
Gameplay at this level- Nerveskitteras usual, drop Displacement and Hasteas a move action, andGreater Mage Armor or any number of things as the standard action in the first round. Start scribing those 1st level scrolls as a way to pass time during battles.

Level 9
War Weaver
Class Features:
-Quiescent Waving 3.
Preload three spells into the Eldritch Tapestry to be released at a future time as a move action. Spells up to level 4 can now be used across the Eldritch Tapestry.
This is probably the time to take
Arcane Manipulation.
Mass Enlarge Person, Arcane Eye, Shadow Conjuration, Know Vulnerabilities
Gameplay at this level- Nerveskitteras usual, drop Polymorph(!!), Greater Invisibility and Haste as a move action, use Know Vulnerabilities as the standard action in first round. At this point Lesser Telepathic Bond or Speak to Allies can be up virtually all the time so you can easily pass on what you know to everyone else, then sit down and take a nap.

Level 10
War Weaver
Class Features:
-Quiescent Waving 4.
Preload four spells into the Eldritch Tapestry to be released at a future time as a move action. Spells up to level 5 can now be used across the Eldritch Tapestry.
Xorn Movement(SC), Indomitability(SC), Wall of Dispel Magic(SC), Fabricate
Gameplay at this level- Nerveskitteras usual, drop Polymorph, Greater Invisibility, Xorn Movement and Haste so that you and your invisible, polymorphed-into-dragon-or-what-have-you allies can sink underground to attack enemies alot while you cast Fabricate as your standard action in the first round to craft (Basketweaving). Or maybe do something useful. This is the time for the party would spend another 1500gp and 1200 xp to upgrade the Spell Storing Companion Spirit, have it hold a Fell Drain Magic Missile in order to neuter whichever opponent needs softening up or Greater Mage Armor if extra protection would be useful.

...ok, so I need a heavy dose of concrete criticism to confirm that I'm not thinking this wrong, or planning too sloppy. Any and all ideas would be appreciated.
